


Type of ownership
Limited liability company
Head branch

652953, Kemerovo region, Tashtagol district, Pos. Kalary, st. Stantionnaya, 22a

+7 (38452) 9-76-14
Website and social networks


A dynamically developing company engaged in the harvesting and processing of low-grade timber. One of the main activities is the production of technological chips and various types of lumber - from picket fence to rounded logs.

The enterprise was founded in 1989 and in 30 years has grown from a small team of 10 people to a large enterprise for complex wood processing with a modern material and technical base, a professional team and a clear view of the future. Much attention is paid to deep processing of wood, which makes it possible to practically completely use and sell production wastes.

The production sites of the enterprise are located in three districts of the Kemerovo region, where LLC "Taezhny" is not only engaged in the main activities, but also provides financial assistance to socially significant objects of the districts. Currently, there are 5 production sites, each of which is an independent unit, has its own production and its own access to the railway. In 2020, a new production site was launched in the village of Mundybash.

One of the main activities is the production of technological chips for the ferroalloy plant, which contributes to the improvement of the ecology of the city of Novokuznetsk by reducing emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere.

LLC "Taezhny" was the first in Kuzbass to start producing environmentally friendly fuel - pellets. Pellets deserve special attention, as this type of fuel is quite new and not widely used in our country. Pellets are environmentally friendly fuel in the form of wood pellets with a diameter of 6-8 mm and a length of 2-5 cm. No chemical admixtures, thickeners and adhesives are used in their production. During combustion, the amount of heat released is 1.5 times greater than that released during the combustion of the same amount of ordinary firewood. Pellets contain only 0.5-2% ash, smoke is odorless, granules are not afraid of mold during storage, and transportation of pellets is easy due to their flowability.

In addition, the company is engaged in forestry and reforestation work. Reforestation works are carried out on the forest areas, which have been cut down, by planting seedlings and seedlings of valuable coniferous species in the amount of about 40 hectares per year. The survival rate of the forest in such areas is 85-95%.


Total production / service
thousand m3 of wood

indicators and investments

Employed in the company
more than people
Average salary
thousand rubles per month