

RUSAL Novokuznetsk Aluminum Plant

Type of ownership
Joint stock company
Head branch

654034, Kemerovo Region, Novokuznetsk, 7 Ferrosplavny Passage

+7 (3843) 39-73-22
+7 (3843) 39-75-15
Website and social networks


It produces high-quality primary aluminum and aluminum alloys (in the form of small, large and T-shaped ingots, and cylindrical ingots) for aviation, automobile and construction industries and electrical industry, which are demanded in the domestic and international markets.

  • 1939: the construction of the plant was commissioned.
  • 1940: earthworks were begun.
  • 1943: the first aluminum was produced at the Stalinsk (Novokuznetsk) Aluminum Plant.
  • 2001: the plant became part of the RUSAL company.

Today the plant is a large industrial complex with a production capacity of 215,000 tons / year and a territory of 138.85 hectares. The production of raw aluminum at the plant is carried out in six electrolysis buildings, where 515 electrolyzers are located.

Development strategy

The following strategic priority directions have been established:

  • Optimization and reduction of production costs in order to comply with the company's target indicators;
  • Improving the quality of products and their competitiveness in the global and domestic markets;
  • Expansion of sales markets and an increase in the share of production of value-added products;
  • Implementation of the company's environmental action plan.

The development strategy is based on the environmental focus. The modernization of production demands complete replacement of all electrolysers with improved units, which have higher technical, economic and environmental indicators, as well as equipping all potroom series with highly efficient "dry" gas cleaning units, which will be combined into a 2-stage system with existing "wet" gas purifiers with a purification efficiency of more than 99%. The planned volume of investments for the implementation of the environmental program for 2018-2024 is 5.0 billion rubles.

Andrey Panov,
Deputy Governor of Kuzbass for Industry, Transport and Environment
Improving air quality in Novokuznetsk is a task that we are solving together in accordance with the instructions of the President of the Russian Federation. The work of "RUSAL Novokuznetsk" JSC in this direction is an example of a responsible and competent approach. The company actively uses the best available technologies and makes significant investments in environmental programs.

In 2006, outlets No. 2 and No. 3 with a total discharge of 300,000 m3 were liquidated In 2013, the discharge of industrial storm water from the territory of "RUSAL Novokuznetsk" JSC was completely eliminated. A project for the construction of a chemical water treatment plant at outlet No. 1 has been implemented at a cost of 304 million rubles. In 2013, "Novokuznetsk Aluminium Plant-1" was completely decommissioned. In 2019-2020, within the framework of the implementation of the plan for environmental protection measures, “dry” gas purification units No. 81 and No. 82 were built.

RUSAL's values are Respect, Fairness, Honesty, Efficiency, Courage, Care, and  Trust.

Social policy

The enterprise purposefully resolves issues of increasing wages, helping veterans, organizing charity events, medical and social services, cultural and sports recreation for employees and their families, and improving working conditions. The achieved level of average wages is one of the highest among the metallurgical enterprises of the city. In the context of a shortage of qualified personnel, "RUSAL Novokuznetsk" considers it an important strategic task to retain competent, professional employees who share the values adopted by the team at the company's enterprises. Creating comfortable working conditions, retaining highly qualified specialists, and developing a personnel reserve are of great importance.

Aluminum production