652270, Kemerovo region, pgt. Verkh-Chebula, st. Lugovaya, 28-1

The beginning of entrepreneurial activity in the forestry sector dates back to 2006. A team of five, with one wheeled tractor, was harvesting about 1000 m3 of timber per year. In 2007, the first sawmills were purchased for the processing of roundwood, in 2008-2009 - four more sawmills, and one in 2019.
In conditions of competition for the expansion of the existing production, the enterprise is technically re-equipped every year, the sales market for products is increased due to the conclusion of new contracts with enterprises located in the Kemerovo and Novosibirsk regions, and the sale of high-quality products to the population is increased.
OOO "Reser" manufactures the following types of products: timber of various sizes; dry profiled timber, unedged timber, semi-edged and edged lengths from 2 to 6 meters, rounded log, picket fence, eurolining made of pine, aspen, block house, floor slat, corner, plinth, imitation of timber, as well as ore rack for the needs of mines Kemerovo region.