Type of ownership
Limited liability company
Head branch
Website and social networks

LLC "Mine Spiridonovskaya" is a new young enterprise specializing in underground coal mining. The final product at the mine is coal concentrate grade “Zh”, supplied to coke-chemical enterprises in Russia.
The enterprise is located in the northwestern part of the Uskat geological and economic region of Kuzbass, on the territory of the former Karagaylinskaya mine, liquidated in 1996 during the restructuring of the coal industry.
The subsoil area of the Karagaily coal deposit is located in the Kiselyovsky urban district of the Kemerovo region - Kuzbass. The nearest settlements, the city of Prokopyevsk and the city of Kiselevsk, are located 30 km and 15 km, respectively, to the south of the subsoil site.
The Spiridonovskaya mine is the holder of two licenses for the use of subsoil. As a strategic development and maintenance of existing capacities, the mine is considering the possibility of conducting open-pit mining at the Karagaily South subsoil site of the Karagaily coal deposit.
Coal reserves, taking into account open-pit mining, amount to 34,100 thousand tons. In May 2023. A mechanized complex was installed at LLC Shakhta Spiridonovskaya and coal mining began from the excavation section of longwall face 6-07Yu.
In six months in 2023, 320 thousand tons of coal were produced. Production of 930 thousand tons of coal is planned for 2024. Products are supplied to the domestic market to leading metallurgical enterprises, including Ural Steel JSC.
The social significance of the enterprise for Kuzbass is due to the fact that the city of Kiselevsk is included in the list of single-industry towns in Kuzbass that depend on coal mining, while the mine provides an average staff of 735 people with decent competitive wages.
LLC Shakhta Spiridonovskaya strives to meet the requirements of the time as much as possible. The company's main priorities in the field of industrial safety and labor protection are the creation of safe working conditions for employees, as well as the protection of their life and health.
The strategic goal is to become an effective coal mining enterprise that ensures the safety of its employees in accordance with current standards. In the near future, it is planned to reach a production capacity of 1,000 thousand tons of coal per year, as well as open-pit mining.