Type of ownership
Limited liability company
Head branch
Website and social networks

“The MMK-UGOL company is a large Russian producer of coal and its processed products, which began its activities with
2016 from the supply of coal concentrate to Russian metallurgical plants. MMK-UGOL LLC is part of the group of enterprises of PJSC MMK. MMK-UGOL LLC works in the extraction of coking coal and the production of coking coal concentrate.
MMK-UGOL LLC includes 5 production structural divisions.
-For coal mining: Kostromovskaya Mine; Chertinskaya Koksovaya Mine; Mine named after S.D. Tikhova.
-Coal processing: Central processing plant.
-Service structural unit: Service and logistics workshop.
The main goal of the company is to ensure MMK’s raw material security. The company constantly increases its investment and financial attractiveness, strengthens its market position, and strives to develop human resources. The focus of the company's activities is the implementation of the Industrial Safety Policy, the production system, management systems and resource provision.
MMK-UGOL LLC is certified for compliance with the international standard ISO 9001:2015. A product quality management system has been introduced and implemented at all stages of production processes, adopted on the basis of national, interstate standards, local regulations of the organization regulating product quality requirements. Based on the results of the product competition “Coal concentrate grade Z”, MMK-UGOL LLC was awarded the trademark “100 Best Products of Russia”, which confirms its high competitiveness, and also indicates the company’s compliance with all the requirements of technical regulations and standards.
MMK-UGOL LLC supplies its products “Coal concentrate” of coking grades Zh, GZh, KS, OS, KO to the domestic market, mainly (95%) to PJSC MMK.
Coal concentrate meets all product quality requirements stipulated by interstate standards and technical specifications for product quality:
- GOST R 32349-2013 “Coals and anthracites of the Kuznetsk and Gorlovka basins for technological purposes. Technical conditions";
- GOST R 32464-2013 “Brown, hard and anthracite coals. General technical requirements".
- TU 05.10.10 - 001-00160206-2020 TU Coal concentrate grade Zh.
The principle of social responsibility is decisive for the activities of MMK-UGOL LLC. The company's social policy is focused on caring for the well-being of retirees and employees and contributes to the retention of highly qualified employees in the company. Social activities of MMK-UGOL LLC are carried out according to the following directions:
- organizing work to protect the interests, rights and ensure a decent socio-economic status of pensioners and company employees;
- creating a favorable social climate in the company’s workforce;
- charitable activities of the company aimed at fulfilling financial obligations under Agreements with the administration of the Government of Kuzbass - Kemerovo region, with the administration of the Belovsky urban district, including improvement of the areas where the company’s employees and retirees live;
- providing workers with modern workplaces to increase labor efficiency.