

Mariinskiy likero-vodochnyy zavod

Type of ownership
Joint stock company
Head branch

652154, Kemerovo region, Mariinsky district, Mariinsk, st. Palchikova, 28

+7 (38443) 5-06-01
Website and social networks


It is the leading enterprise in the alcohol industry in Kuzbass. A unique feature of the Mariinsky Distillery is considered to be the purest artesian water, which is extracted from a 300-meter depth, the mineralogical properties of the water are ideal for the production of vodka.

  • 1898 year. The beginning of the construction of a state-owned wine warehouse in Mariinsk by order of the main directorate of unreported fees and state drinking of the Ministry of Finance.
  • 1900 year. The ceremonial foundation of the warehouse. Production began with the production of table wine with a strength of 40 degrees, as well as 90% and 95% alcohol. In the first year, 38,866 buckets of booze were produced. The warehouse supplied the entire county with alcohol until 1914.
  • 1923 year. After several years of the "dry law" in force, the CIK issued a decree on the resumption of production and trade in alcohol. The production of tinctures, liqueurs and liqueurs began in Mariinsk.
  • War years. The enterprise, transferred to the food industry system of the Glavsnab, produced water rescue equipment, insulating gaskets for machine guns and aircraft, cork products and vodka - by order of the front, in metal barrels.
  • 1949 year. The Mariinsky distillery was renamed into a distillery and was taken over by the Glavlikerovodka of the USSR Ministry of Food Industry.
  • 1950-1960 years. The plant produced 26 types of alcohol.
  • 1986 year. The plant was transferred to the Kemeroagropischeprom association. During the restructuring, the production of alcohol was reduced, the plant switched to the production of soda, drinks and syrups, and a marmalade shop was opened. Instead of the planned 300 thousandth losses, 173 thousand profits were received. 10 new product names were mastered.
  • 1990s. The plant regularly provided workers with wages and social guarantees, and also strengthened its position in competition with clandestine vodka shops in the face of a reduction in the range of products due to a shortage of sugar and glass containers.
  • 1997 year. The company produced the first 275 decaliters of vodka on the Italian line in a new workshop.
  • 2002 year. The factory museum was opened, where numerous awards of the enterprise, won at prestigious international, all-Russian and regional exhibitions and competitions, are kept. 38 debut bottles of Beluga vodka were released. A year later, the first step-by-step bottling line for Beluga vodka won the Grand Prix gold medal at the LenExpo 2003 exhibition and received a gold badge at the XXI Century Quality Mark all-Russian exhibition, its capacity was 1200 bottles per hour.
  • 2005 year. The capacity of the production line was increased to 3000 bottles per hour due to the high demand for Beluga vodka in Russia and the CIS countries. Beluga vodka is created according to a unique recipe that includes the purest water from our own artesian wells and malt alcohol, which is produced specifically for Beluga vodka. These ingredients provide a soft, rich taste to the drink. Today Beluga vodka is successfully exported to more than 80 countries of the world.
  • 2006 year. The plant became part of the Beluga Group (formerly the Synergy Group). Particular attention is paid to the acquisition and modernization of equipment corresponding to the achievements of world technology. Advanced technologies are being introduced into production. Taking into account the development of the market, there is a constant restyling of products and an expansion of the product portfolio. Stylish design, high quality, effective marketing programs - all this allows not only to maintain a strong position in the market, but also to conquer new territories and expand the geography of sales.


Total production / service
thousands of liters
bln rubles
mln rubles
Total exports
thousands of liters

indicators and investments

Employed in the company
more than people