


Type of ownership
Limited liability company
Head branch

650010, Kemerovo region, Kemerovo, st. Sovkhoznaya, building 127B, room 1

+7 (3842) 48-06-66
Website and social networks


It is a leading company in the market of workwear for coal mining enterprises in Russia. It places orders for tailoring at the clothing factories of LLC "Taiga" (Taiga), LLC "SHF Kedrovka" (Kemerovo) and at other clothing factories in Kuzbass and beyond.

In 2013, the Kuzbasslegprom company initiated the creation on the basis of KuzGTU of the first small innovative enterprise in the Urals that promotes innovative solutions in the field of occupational safety and health - the Scientific and Technical Center for Innovation in the Field of Labor Protection and Industrial Safety (STC). The implementation of this project ensures the promotion of innovative solutions in the field of occupational safety and health, the introduction of highly effective protective equipment and materials for their production, the formation of a culture of using PPE, corresponding to modern conditions.

Taking the vector to improve the culture of labor protection in the region, the Kuzbasslegprom company takes an active part in the development of labor protection documents, the implementation of corporate standards, conducts a special assessment of working conditions at enterprises, teaches industrial workers and students the rules for using modern labor safety equipment.

In recent years, Kuzbasslegprom LLC has been successfully implementing a cluster approach, combining production, sales, marketing and IT departments, thus providing an integrated approach to solving safety issues for workers in Kuzbass enterprises. The Kuzbasslegprom company is a direct participant in the development of the Abie System electronic service platform.

Abie System is an online service that fully controls the state of affairs in production in the field of labor protection and allows you to quickly respond to non-standard situations, anticipating possible negative developments. The Abie System concept, built on online accessibility for the user, by name recording of data and display and analysis of the situation in real time, allows you to manage the provision of workers in overalls and PPE, the level of knowledge and health of workers, as well as the admission of workers to hazardous production.

The "Abie System" mobile application for employees allows them to undergo pre-shift testing, training, receive information about issued and forthcoming PPE, provide notification and feedback. And the management staff of the company can quickly receive reports and assess the current situation in providing employees with personal protective equipment.

At the moment, more than 80,000 workers of Kuzbass and the Russian Federation are connected to the Abie System platform. As part of the digitalization of labor protection processes, the company has successfully implemented projects with such companies as:

  • KAO "AZOT";
  • Raspadskaya Coal Company;
  • Sibuglemet Holding;
  • Holding "SDS-Ugol";
  • UK "Northern Kuzbass";
  • Management Company Kuzbassrazrezugol.


Employed in the company
more than people