

"Kuzbassenergo" - Regional Power System

Type of ownership
Joint stock company
Head branch

650991, Kemerovo region, Kemerovo, 11 Ostrovskogo St.

+7 (3842) 45-45-25
Website and social networks


The branch of "Rosseti Siberia" PJSC serves 249 substations with a voltage of 35 kV and above, 4,974 ‑6/35/0.4-kV transformer substations (power distribution stations), and 226,750 conventional equipment units. Total length of serviced power lines: 28,710 km

The formation of the Kuzbass power system, including the power grids, began in 1930, when, in accordance with the State Plan for the State Electrification of Russia, the construction of two large power plants and a high-voltage backbone power transmission line began.

On 3 July 1943, by the decision of the State Defense Committee, "Kemerovoenergo" Regional Energy Administration was established (renamed as "Kuzbassenergo" in 1954). This date is considered the date of the formation of the regional power system and of "Kuzbassenergo Regional Power System". At the same time, in 1943, the Northern and Southern Electric Grids were formed, and in 1964, the Eastern and Central Electric Grids were established as part of "Kuzbassenergo".

The history of "Rosseti Siberia" PJSC began in 2004, when the Board of Directors of "UES of Russia" RJSC approved the configuration of interregional distribution grid companies. "Interregional Distribution Grid Company of Siberia" JSC was registered on 4 July 2005. On 31 March 2008, "Kuzbassenergo Regional Power System" JSC was reorganized by merging with "Interregional Distribution Grid Company of Siberia" JSC.

In June 2019, the "Rosseti" group of companies switched to a unified brand architecture. From that moment on, all subsidiaries and affiliates of "Rosseti" PJSC have been operating under the same brand. In 2020, "Interregional Distribution Grid Company of Siberia" JSC was officially renamed into "Rosseti Siberia" PJSC.

Mission and goals

By 2030, "Rosseti Siberia" is to be a leader in the energy industry, resistant to changes in the global and local electricity market due to digital business transformation, the development of interactive services, the provision of additional (non-tariff) services and the consolidation of power grid assets. The company's values cover such areas as reliability, human resources, efficiency, safety and social responsibility.

The strategic goals determining the vision of the company's future are:

  • ensuring the reliability and quality of power supply at a given level;
  • increasing the aggregate profitability of shareholders.

Strategic goals are to be met by increasing the efficiency of the current business model and effectively using the company's potential to develop new segments and additional services, as well as by consolidating power grid assets, and transferring regional and municipal power grid assets to "Rosseti Siberia" PJSC. This will provide significant added value for shareholders, as well as ensure the company's adaptability to the emerging challenges and changing needs of consumers.

The Kuzbass branch of "Rosseti Siberia" occupies a leading position in the country in terms of loss reduction dynamics. In the end of 2018, "Kuzbassenergo Regional Power System" ranked 3rd among the branches of "Rosseti" PJSC subsidiaries in the electricity loss reduction rating. Besides, the Kuzbass branch of "Rosseti Siberia" PJSC has become a leader among other branches of the company.

"Kuzbassenergo Regional Power System" actively promotes the ideas of energy efficiency and ecology. Kuzbass power engineers were the first in Siberia to initiate the development of a network of electric filling stations for electric transport.


Total production / service
mln kW/h
15 885
bln rubles
bln rubles

indicators and investments

Employed in the company
more than people
Average salary
thousand rubles per month
Total investments
bln rubles
Rosseti Siberia