650021, Kemerovo region, Kemerovo, st. Predzavodskaya, 2
+7 (3842) 68-03-97
«Kemerovskiy kamennyy karer» was founded in the early 70s after the completion of the construction of the Tatar stone quarry to provide high-quality raw materials for the rapidly developing enterprises of the construction industry in the city of Kemerovo and the Kemerovo region. The northern section of the Tatar field has been in operation since 1971. It is located in the Kemerovo region, 1.5 km south of the village of Ulus-Mozzhukha. The city is located 10 km southeast of the field.
Since 1999 OOO "Kemerovskiy kamennyy karer" has been a part of DSK "Stroydorexport".
At the moment, OOO «Kemerovskiy kamennyy karer» is developing the Northern section of the Tatarskoye field under license КЕМ 00646 ТЭ. Numerous partners (OOO "Azot Mining Service", OOO "Krasnoyarsk Hydrogeological Enterprise", OOO "Gornaya Geologiya", ZAO "Kuzbassproekt" and others), linked by long-term industrial relations, also take part in the creation of a structure that allows the development of mineral deposits in various conditions and with the use of modern technologies.
The enterprise has all the technical, technological and financial resources for sustainable operation and further development.