


Type of ownership
Joint stock company
Head branch

650036, Kemerovo Region, Kemerovo, 45 Tereshkovoy St.

+7 (3842) 31-30-11
Website and social networks


One of the leading chemical engineering enterprises to the east of the Urals. High production, scientific and technical potential, unique experience accumulated over almost half a century of history, and highly qualified staff allow manufacturing products of any complexity for the gas, metallurgical, coke-chemical, energy, coal and other industries.

In different years of its history, the company went through different stages of development:

  • 1968: The first building was launched: a block of auxiliary shops with a capacity of 3.3 million rubles per year, and an area of 10,000 square meters.
  • 2003: "Kemerovokhimmash" joined the "Association of Industrialists" of Kemerovo city. It was recognized as the “Leader of the Russian Industry” and awarded the Diploma of the International "Business Consulting" Alliance. The lithium bromide absorption machine produced by the plant ranked among the "100 best goods of Russia".
  • 2008-2014: the enterprise functioned as a branch of "Altayvagon" under the name of "Kuzbass Rail Car Building Company". It focused on the production of rail cars, while orders from chemical enterprises accounted for no more than 10% of the turnover.
  • 2014: along with rail car building, it was decided to return to the historical specialization of the plant - chemical engineering - starting with the brand and ending with the structure of orders. This solution helped to reach a new level of production and implementation of innovative technologies.

Today "Kemerovokhimmash" is a modern competitive enterprise that has managed to retain its historical competencies and remain the only chemical engineering plant from the Urals to Vladivostok.


Employed in the company
more than people
Average salary
thousand rubles per month