The changes in the public administration system, resulting from the administrative, budgetary and financial reforms, the delineation of powers of the state authorities of the Russian Federation and its constituent entities and local governments, have also affected the sphere of forestry. The new Forestry Code of the Russian Federation, which came into force in 2007, did not introduce any fundamental measures for a significant increase in the efficiency and volume of forest use, improvement of lease relations, solving the problems of developing forest and timber processing infrastructure, and creating favorable conditions for investment in the forestry sector. As a result, logging enterprises became the most vulnerable link in the implementation of economic reforms, and timber processing enterprises lacked raw materials.
All countries with forest resources have recently witnessed significant changes in forest management policies, which have led to the creation of a legislative and regulatory framework at the national level that requires an assessment of the environmental impact of forestry management. Yet, high priority is assigned to the maximal use of forestry resources, which contributes to the intensive development of the regions.
Current situation
In recent years, the situation in the timber industry complex has become especially aggravated in connection with a number of specific features. It is complicated by a large number of various types of commercial enterprises and entrepreneurs (mainly small and medium-sized businesses), seasonality of work and some other specific features.
The significance of forest areas and resources and their importance for the region's economy imposes a special responsibility on foresters for the condition, protection and rational use of forests. The process of reforming, which is being carried out in our forestry complex, is under the spotlight of specialists from various industries, especially those closely associated with the use of timber products. These issues are topical for both Russian and foreign partners. The strategy of Kemerovo Region's timber industry complex development is aimed at the implementation of modern requirements for rational, continuous, sustainable forest management, conservation and enhancement of the ecological and resource potential of forests to the benefit of the region's population.